Saturday, March 28, 2009

I met a fantastic boy in the last 13 hours of cancer camp. We kissed and cuddled and talked and giggled for those 780 minutes. We watched the sun rise.
We haven't spoken since, and yet I still think about those 46800 seconds like it is my only memory.
I am convinced he is my soul mate.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Lightning Clutcher

There's a bit of a story behind how the Lightning Clutcher came to be. A few know, some don't care, and the rest are clueless except from what they read here. I don't mind what category you belong in, for this is just a free writing piece that I literally took but a few minutes to write down. I was planning on writing something but a picture of lightning flashed onto my screen as I was looking for character pictures and thus became my inspiration. I saved it and I used what I had to write this short bit. Maybe this will be just the beginning you see the girl... we'll see, eh?


Why does the lightning hold such a powerful and inevitable hold on this young girl’s soul? Could she not break the determined bond with a twist of her slim wrist or a stern look of crestfallen denial stroking her thinning cheeks? She can’t. Or was it won’t? Either or, she was locked in a comforting embrace with the lightning, so sure that if maybe she didn’t let go, perhaps the world would spin to rights again. Losses would become gains, mysteries would be solved, and hearts would be mended. With over-anxious hopes and a canvas of dreams scattering across the many layers of humanity and existence, the girl clutched the lightning- clinging it oh so very close. She feared the fall that would come if her grip loosened to the barest degree. Everything she held on for, even the reasons why she thought she should let go for the greater benefits of others, would die off with bitter resentment. If the girl couldn’t hold onto the lightning for others, even for her, then who else could firmly grasp it? Was this it? So the small girl will continue her endangered bond with the lightning, for nothing good didn’t come with a dosage of harm involved- as such was life.

She won’t let go- she won’t, she won’t.
She can’t.

With a sweet voice of resolve, the girl accepted her fate. “And the lightning is mine to clutch- For now until always.” Her voice was not sweet due only to its gentle volume, but there was such a sense of honesty and conviction present that sincerity honeyed the words she spoke. The lightning was more than a destined responsibility for the girl, it was also a privilege.

The Lightning Clutcher was just a girl. A girl who depended on a source of natural power and light to get through her days in muddied reality. A girl who was merely one of multitudes in the world, and she relied on the phenomenon that which is lightning- it could save, destroy, threaten, and protect anything the pertained to her life. Pertained to the lives of many.

Every morning she prayed that another day would pass where she wouldn’t actually need the strength the lightning gave her. Maybe just once she could manage on her own.

And yet...The Lightning Clutcher will never let go. She had promised that despite all, she would never let go.

You know what...?

You know what's frustrating? Sporks. I mean, com'on! I was eating lunch today and I was having a heck of a time trying to spear my meat with the flimsy poker things. And then with soup, it spills through the gaps! You just can't win with such a failtacular invention. Oh, I'm sure somewhere out there, people love 'em. I'm just finding them to be a more useless creation of man. I think I should make a list of 'Failacular' inventions.

It may be a mixed blessing that people don't read this blog. I probably sound vaguely looney, when in all honesty I'm pretty much so normal I'm rare.

Maybe that'll be my appeal? I'm just a version of everyone else; I fall, I get up again. I get tripped by life. Then I get helped up. Repeat cycle.

I wonder if this blog will lead to anything. I kinda hope it does. If I can be a success here, then I can pull off a book writing! To the potential people who might read this, I'll post some of my writing for you to decide.

Can I pull it off?

Blue Eyes Wide

I thought it was time that I try out blogging. One, there's a lot more I'll say here than I will on my other multiple facets; Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, MSN, Skype, Ning.

Here's to hoping the truth doesn't burn as much as it usually does.

Here. Blue Eyes Wide. Innocence mixed with knowledge, integrity questioned and lies accepted. No more. It's time that the truth is what it really is.