Thursday, March 5, 2009

You know what...?

You know what's frustrating? Sporks. I mean, com'on! I was eating lunch today and I was having a heck of a time trying to spear my meat with the flimsy poker things. And then with soup, it spills through the gaps! You just can't win with such a failtacular invention. Oh, I'm sure somewhere out there, people love 'em. I'm just finding them to be a more useless creation of man. I think I should make a list of 'Failacular' inventions.

It may be a mixed blessing that people don't read this blog. I probably sound vaguely looney, when in all honesty I'm pretty much so normal I'm rare.

Maybe that'll be my appeal? I'm just a version of everyone else; I fall, I get up again. I get tripped by life. Then I get helped up. Repeat cycle.

I wonder if this blog will lead to anything. I kinda hope it does. If I can be a success here, then I can pull off a book writing! To the potential people who might read this, I'll post some of my writing for you to decide.

Can I pull it off?