Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I met a boy...

Sorry for those who may read this! I haven't blogged in awhile. Life has been crazy, more or less. School is trying to kill me, friends are trying to revive me, and the rest is somehow jumbled into there as well.

So! For the title? Yeah. =) I met a boy. No, no, so far there is literally nothing going on between us. And if the man in question ever happens to stumble across this (really doubtful) and read this and know it's him (perhaps more doubtful) then I hope you don't think I'm like that creeper that followed some of us around last night at the band concert. You were very sweet for sticking with us girls as if you were our protective shadow- the only guy who bothered to do that, might I add. Maybe that's why I have a bit of a crush on you? You were just there. You have a sort of secret smile, like you know everything that's going on but refuses to admit to it. I think you're cute. I kinda hope you think the same.

I want to write you a letter. How weird is that? A letter. Even as we're chatting on Facebook right now, I can't stop thinking of writing you a letter while you're off at war and then hopefully receiving something in return. I have an old fashion soul. Maybe it's completely corny that I think of the show MASH as I dream in black and white about you receiving my letter, but it's kinda sweet seeing it like that.

By the way, nothing is really black and white. Obviously. Because I can't just tell you I have a crush. I met you a day ago. How ridiculous am I?

Ahhhh, Bloggers! How will this go?! /Where/ will this go.

Until sooner than later, friends-


binggeba said...

In my humble opinion, I think that time will tell. Sorry for the cliche, but that's the only way to really know if that someone is the right someone for you.

And jumping into deep, dark water might be fun, but you never know what's in it for you.

Kenna Leigh said...

I agree. =) I may even see him tonight! And there's always a reason why cliches are the greatest.

I'll stick with my swimming floaties with this one... at least for now!

Nancy said...

You have a very good writing style. I do think blogging limbers up our fingers and brains for writing more extensively. I, too, want to do a book. Blogging has given me feedback and a voice that I am starting to trust. As for the guy you met at the concert - there is something so manly about a guy that is protective.